6. Color correction

Different kinds of color correction are listed in this menu:
Color balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation.

Select Color balance
Select a color -- cyan, magenta, or yellow -- and a new window with a slider and a preview of the image you are working on will appear. If you are working with several layers, the color of the layer that is currently active will be changed. The colors on the bar help you to determine how the change will affect your image. All color corrections work the same way.

Cyan - changes the number of cyan (blue) components in the layer.

Magenta - changes the number of magenta (red) components in the layer.

Yellow û changes the number of yellow components in the layer.

After making all the desired changes, click  OK to return to the work area. Click  Cancel to return without applying your changes.

To reset all changes youÆve made to a layer, click  Reset in the upper toolbar.

 For general instructions on how to navigate click here.

Brightness û changes the brightness of the layer.

Contrast û changes the contrast of the layer.

To reset all changes youÆve made, click  Reset.

 For general instructions on how to navigate click here.

Hue - changes the image's color to any color of the rainbow.

Saturation - changes the color saturation of the image.

Lightness - changes the lightness of the image.